Saturday, May 22, 2010


What do we really know about CHANGE and TRANSITIONS that happen in our lives? Adam and I have experienced LOTS of changes recently, so I keep looking & listening to how people talk about change.
  • The Bible says that there is a time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)
  • Leading self-help books make analogies to moving of cheese and not gobbling marshmallows to help readers adapt to the change process in as little as a week or even an hour :)
  • Various therapy approaches (I have been studying because I am taking my therapy licensing exam soon!!) encourage the change process with techniques that include shaping & modeling appropriate behavior, charting progress, increasing self-focus, decreasing anxiety, creating boundaries, challenging assumptions, reframing the situation, etc., etc.!!!!!!

Changes at the Greer home:

  • Adam is going back to school FULL time as an Auburn Univ. student!!!
  • Mallory "retired" from her therapy job at mental health that she has had for 3 years to teach classes at Auburn Univ!
  • Adam was hired as a research assistant on campus (which is very different from the Home Depot)!

For us, change can be seen in the practical sense (i.e. bank account, the amount of time we see each other, health benefits, etc), but it is hard to put change into words. The best word we can think of is BITTERSWEET! Excited about what is to come; humbled to be offered new experiences; sad and nervous about leaving places where we feel comfortable....

Just thankful to be taking this exciting, humbling, & nerve-racking journey with a loving & supportive spouse. Will keep you updated on how we manage all this change.


p.s. Picture taken today at the Valley Day on the River (super fun festival is Valley, AL). Next blog will give you the 411 on the Watermelon eating contest from the reigning Valley watermelon eating CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm just happy to be a part of your transitions!! What a summer to come!!
