There is a special place in my heart for the smell of cut grass. It reminds me of springtime and the sun and MY DAD!
My dad has owned a lawn service for longer than I have been alive. He works hard and is good at what he does, but man-oh-man he is a tough boss! When I was in middle school and high school, my dad wanted me to have an appreciation for hard work, so he made me go to work with him during the summer!! No, seriously. Summer break, 100 (million) degrees, and me reporting for duty at 7am with the crew to "bust some yards."
Top memories from working with dad:
1. Learning how to operate the lawn mover. If you have met me, you may know that I am a little hardheaded and like to figure things out myself. Well, I figured out how to turn the mover on. Check. I emptied the grass clippings. Check. What I didnt know was how to PUSH the mover. Instead of gripping the gas lever (thingy...see below) over the top with my hands like you are supposed to, I was holding it underneath with my THUMBS all day. At the end of my 1st day, my thumbs were bleeding, and I asked my dad if his hands had just become calloused over the years. He busted out laughing and said that NO employee in the history of the company had cut grass with their thumbs. I didnt know!! Now I do : )
2. When we would get to a yard, my dad would give out a list of tasks to the crew. It often went something like this especially in the afternoon, "So-and-so, pick up sticks, then cut the grass. I will do the hedges. Mallory, get some water and sit down so you dont pass out."
3. Often when working, I would make up rhymes to make the time go by faster. Things like: "Hot as hell; hear dad yell." "It's so hot, I'm going to die; when is lunch, I'd sure like some pie."
It was quite a learning experience, but I wouldnt trade it for the world (even if my little sister NEVER had to cut grass, but I'm not bitter). I got to see how hard my dad works. We got to spend time together. I even think he was a little impressed that I kept trying although I think my main purpose was to serve as the comic relief!
All of these memories came flooding back this weekend as my dad so generously dedicated his time and cool lawn equipment to help me and Adam whip our yard into shape. We cut, fertilized, killed stuff, edged, planted, potted, watered, and had a GREAT time! So grateful for the wonderful weather today, all the quality time we got to spend with the "Yard Boss," and our BEAUTIFUL yard!!! THANKS DAD!!
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